One of the great benefits of living in the DC area is access to all the local programs offered by the Smithsonian. Jim and I enjoyed very many of these, but one category stands out as a favorite: the Smithsonian Train Tours. Led by railroad historians John Hankey & Joe Nevin, both of whom are still (in 2019) active leading rail history excursions, we traveled to many places within a day's reach. I have collected pictures from some of the trips here. Unfortunately my cryptic scribbles don't remind me of the details of events and sights that occurred over thirty years ago, but I've done my best to recall as much as I can.

There are a couple of ways to follow us on our trip. I've tried to make the narrative a complete summary, but I've used many links to other web sites to provide additional details and sometimes pictures. You can either stick with the basic narrative or explore the various links. At the time this album was created the links were all valid, but the WWW is in constant flux and that can change. If you encounter broken links, please send us some email.

Click your "back" button to return to the previous page or click for our picture album.