The Mäntylä House is also known as the R.W. Lindholm House. When its original location in Minnesota was overtaken by development, the owners donated the house to Usonian Preservation Inc., the organization that maintains Polymath Park. A piece on CBS' Sunday Morning details the disassembly and relocation of the house from Minnesota to Pennsylvania.


Again the kitchen is the hub of the house.

One of FLLW's practices was to use varying ceiling heights throughout his houses. He wanted to encourage people to move through the space from a compressed to an open location.

Since Wright himself was quite short (although he never admitted it), he was not a fan of high ceilings. The owner of this house, however, was over six feet tall and made it clear that he was not going to tolerate bumping his head when he went from room to room or into the kitchen.

Wright complied with his request to make the ceilings and doorways higher, but compensated (passive aggression?) by making the doorways and hallways narrower than usual.

Although the kitchen has a lower ceiling, it is very commodious and modern.

Dining table

The dining table was designed to be reconfigured as needed for varying numbers of guests and varying degrees of formality.

Wright-designed chairs were lovely to look at, but not known for their comfort.

Living room

As was often the case, the living areas had built-in furniture and shelving. The high windows on the "public face" of the house provided both light and privacy.


This house can be rented for $825 a night.

Rooms opening to the private side of the house had floor-to-ceiling glass windows and doors.

Mantyla House Exterior

The roofline of the house soars above its location.

At most of his houses, Wright was inspired by the place where the house would be located and designed the house to integrate into the site. It is sad to see a house ripped out by the roots, as it were, but preferable to losing it altogether.

For more pictures of the house, visit the Polymath Park website.

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