I saw a number of amusing notices as I prowled the show -- including more than a few "for sale" signs. I wondered if the sellers were looking to get out of "the business" or just move on to new projects.
My favorite of the "keep your hands off my baby" versions.
This variety was rather common.
As Jim said: that's a waste of moonshine.
Another creative approach to feeding the beast.
This exhibitor was justly proud of having raised over $1M for charity while pursuing his passion. Although most of the marked trips were in the east, he had gotten as far as the California/Nevada border.
A moving tribute to a father who had died much too young. I'm glad that they shared a common interest to bring them together.
Not sure what "Sick Saab" signifies. Not sure if "Seldom Seen" means he's a Seldom Scene fan.
Another one of the creepy dolls.
This gent definitely has opinions, but my favorite bit of irony is the Pabst sticker on the repurposed Anheuser-Busch keg.
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